Final Fantasy VII Walkthru=Aeris

Cloud falls from the upper world but thankfully he's ok. He lands in a flower bed. The same flowers that the flower girl sold to you! Hmm... it's a small world after all! You talk and then see a strange looking man off in the distance. He is not a very nice man as you can see... so you go into another room to fight.

You almost get out and then the ShinRa guards fire and Aeris is left defenseless...unless...

Tell her to hang on a minute and go up to the top. Push over the barrels in this order.

The barrels will hit the guards killing them. ***Love point notice: If you push the right barrel, Aeris's love points will go up.***
Eventually you get out a hole on the roof. Problem solved!!

***GAME GLITCH! Did you notice how small the church looks on the outside compared to what it looks like inside? It's crazy! Also, didn't Aeris say that those flowers were grown on the roof of that church? Where are the rest of them? Why did she plant flowers on a tilted roof? Where is the soil she planted them on at? Geez! This makes no since to me! AND ANOTHER THING!

This one is self explanatory.***
Once you get on to the path, make your way up to the top of the screen to get to the heart of sector 5 slums. Make sure you stock up on magic and items. Here are the stores.

***MINI QUEST NOTICE!!! Go into the house on the far right side of town and go to the 2nd floor.

You'll see a bunch of posters on the wall. Walk up to them and push . You'll see a Turtles Paradise flyer. What is Turtles Paradise you ask? Well it's a pub somewhere in the world. And if you read all six of their flyers (scattered all around the game) you might just get a prize... I'll keep you informed.
Another thing about that house. Check out the dresser in the kids room a few times if you're feelin' like a theif...
Once your all done here, its off to Aeris's house! Go up behind the house you were just in toward the light.